Wednesday, December 24, 2008

We're Back!

Okay, I apologize for going so long without blogging but it has been crazy this last month. I had my last paper for Graduate school due last week along with basketball games, work, christmas shopping etc. Whew. But the good news is...we made it! JP continues to grow and learn new tricks. He is so attentive, alert, and He is now getting four teeth...his two top and bottom ones. Poor guy. They are definitely causing some pain for our little man. It has been so fun to re-discover life through JP's eyes! He is now crawling everywhere and trying to pull up on all the furniture. We are really looking forward to getting to spend this Christmas with JP. Chris and I can't help but to reflect on what the Lord has done for us during 2008! What an incredible year it has been...we are looking forward to see what He has in store for us in 2009!

Enjoy the pictures I put a lot up since I haven't posted in so long!!

Merry Christmas!!

1 comment:

Lauren J. said...

Hey Lindsey! It's Lauren (Green). Your little boy is just beautiful! It's great to catch up with you and your little family!